This is taken from multiple transcriptions and mundane astrology.
Mundane astrology is the study of the influence of astrological placements on global and financial events. Many mundane astrologers were seeing a financial incident or X event that would occur at the end of 2019 or the beginning of 2020. Most did not see this as a pandemic, however looking back they see that was also indicated. It is likely that April will be the apex of the disease in the United States. By the end of June, it will be burning out. This is not to say that were all going to be out of work for the next three months. This is just a bird’s eye view of the progression of the return to normal. In regards to what the Shamans have been advising about this period of time, they also predicted an event. On January 1, 2020 they stated that the current administration was going to receive a “curve ball.” They did not say what this curve ball was exactly but they did indicate that it would be bigger than any of the challenges the occupant of the White House had faced thus far. It is interesting to note that the picture presented of the virus online is a ball. In the same transcript they noted that, “It’s a little crowded on earth right now.” Looking back on this transcript, it does appear predictive of current events. The Shamans indicate that if everyone works together, and by everyone, they mean the entire world, we will get through this. Yes, there are people who are going to pass on, but remember there is no death and there will be many waiting on the other side to greet the returning souls. We are here for a short time and then we go home. Those who remain will have to create a better future. The Shamans note, “Responsibility is all kingdom.” This future includes honest, decent leaders who care about the people they serve. It’s up to us to make this happen. Having said that, those on the other side are supporting this change in any way necessary. This future also includes a re-calibration of the world monetary system. As all countries go into greater debt to avert a greater financial crisis, this is inevitable. The hope is that this will bring greater financial equality for the general public. Once again, it’s up to us to demand that this happen. Yes, there may be future crises that we will have to face in the coming years, however fear is not the answer. Hope, love and resiliency are the answer. According to the Shamans, they see people working together as their people did in their time by meeting together in a "smoke house center" and solving problems peacefully and with respect. The Shamans state, “The outcome, you will overcome this… We see through earth turning in a smoke house center. We’re sorry about all you have been through.” Stay well and focus on hope, love and gratitude. |